TW – Pet Loss
My Sookie is taking her last long walk home and I’m sitting with her while she does it. Today, she’s very quiet, in and out of sleep, no signs of distress, but no interest in anything, either. Her sister, Salem, has been curling up *near* her but not *on top* of her like she usually does (jealous little thing). Sybil has been visiting now and then to touch noses. It’s been very sweet to watch.
I love this wee thing so much, y’all, but we’re ready for this. As soon as she shows signs of pain or distress, I’ll make the call, but I’m hoping she slips away peacefully and easily. She’s given me fifteen years of her very best service as my chief of staff and reason for getting out of bed. I will miss her so much when she takes her leave of me, but I know it’s time. <3
Kimi is going to come sit with us for a bit today and say her goodbyes. It will take as long as it takes and she’ll let me know if she wants help with her passage over. So far, that’s a no.
I am emotionally at peace but my body is acting like there is a velociraptor somewhere just out of sight and it’s about to eat me, so that’s fun. All the shaking. Please pass the wine.
I lost Sasha in 2018, so I know she’s waiting for her. <3
I’m so sorry. It’s always so hard. Hugs to you and all your fuzzy family.
Awe I feel your loss Effy. Never easy letting go of one of our beloved family members. May she pass over the rainbow bridge w/o pain and peacefully.
So much love to you and Sookie. She feels absolutely at peace with you and knows your love knows no bounds in time or space, nor hers for you. Walk sweetly together in gentle lightness.
I am so sorry. May she slip peaceful with her mama and siblings by her side.
Dear Effy, words are so inadequate for the grief and loss of our beloved fur babies. I know they live forever in our hearts but I send prayers for comfort for all and a peaceful transition for your beloved over that rainbow bridge.💕
My heart is with you—the hardest part of loving a fellow creature.
HUGS HUGS HUGS .. I am so sorry .. it hurts so much to lose them .. HUGS HUGS HUGS
Sitting with you for your vigil. Love always.
Sitting with you. So wonderful that you are there for her. ❤️❤️❤️
So sorry Effy. Sending love and peace.🙏🙏🙏
So sorry Effy. Your love will help her cross over. She will always be there for you.
I am so sorry. I know what it is like to lose part of your heart and maybe a tiny bit of your soul as they leave us. Be thankful for the time you had together. I believe they never really leave us and we are destined to meet again.
I am so very sorry, Effy. My heart is with yours and your dear little friend.